
Κυριακή 24 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Crochet Pixel Blanket + Diagrams



Chain 5. Join to form a ring. Chain 5, work (3 DC, chain 3) into the ring 3x, 2 DC into the ring and Join. (12 DC)
R2: Chain 2. Work (2 DC, chain 3, 2 DC) into the chain space, [DC into the next 3 DCs, (2 DC, chain 3, 2 DC) into the next chain space] 3x, DC into the next 2 DCs and Join. (28 DC) Via:HERE

Τετάρτη 20 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Crochet Cardigan + Diagrams + Free Pattern


Free Pattern: 
You will need: yarn (100% natural wool, 68 m / 50 g) - 100 g each brown, yellow, orange, red, red-brown, purple, bright pink, burgundy, light green, blue-green, blue, tsv . powder, olive and 50 g each of lilac, blue and mint. hook number 6; 5 buttons (diameter 24 mm) orange.

Knitting technique.

The main pattern: the number of loops in the original series is a multiple of 3 + 2. Knit according to Figure 1. Start with loops before exposure, repeat the exposure continuously, end with loops after reporting. Perform 1-4 rows 1 time, then repeat 3 + 4 rows continuously, observing the sequence of colors.

The sequence of colors in the main pattern: 2 rows each * olive, light green, yellow, orange, red, red-brown, brown, ** burgundy, bright pink, col. powder, lilac, purple, blue, blue, turquoise, mint thread, from * repeat.

Square: run a 6 air chain. and close in a ring with 1 connection. Art. Knit in circular rows according to pattern 2. Start each circular row with 3 air. element instead of the 1st art. s / n and complete 1 connection. Art. in the 3rd air. n. replacement. Perform the given rows 1 time, observing the sequence of colors.

Sequence of colors 1: 1 circular row each with mint, red, orange, purple and brown thread.

Color sequence 2: 1 circular series of blue, orange, warm pink, light green and blue thread.

Color sequence 3: 1 circular row each with light green, hot pink, purple, mint and burgundy thread.

Sequence of colors 4: 1 circular row each with olive, yellow, red, purple and blue-green thread.

Color sequence 5: 1 circular series of light green, orange, bright pink, thread color. dust and brown thread.

Color sequence 6: 1 circular row of blue, orange, red, light green and blue thread.

Color sequence 7: 1 circular series of light green, red, bright pink, tsv thread. powder and burgundy yarn.

Color sequence 8: 1 circular row of lilac, purple, light green, orange and brown thread.

9: 1 color sequence of yellow, hot pink, purple, mint and burgundy yarn.

Color sequence 10: 1 circular row each with olive, yellow, red, purple and blue thread.

Color sequence 11: 1 circular row in purple, tsv thread. powder, bright pink, blue and turquoise thread.

Color sequence 12: 1 circular row of yellow, olive, orange, blue and burgundy thread.

Color sequence 13: 1 circular row each with mint, hot pink, light green, olive and blue thread.

Color sequence 14: 1 circular row each with light green, purple, blue-green, orange and red-brown thread.

Color sequence 15: 1 circular row each with bright pink, lilac, blue, blue-green and burgundy thread.

16: 1 color sequence each with mint, hot pink, light green, olive and turquoise thread.

Board pattern: rapport = 4 loops. Crochet pattern 2 (green badges) right on the edge of the squares. Perform 1-3 rows once.

Knitting density.

Main pattern: 13 pages X 7 pages = 10 x 10 cm.

Square: 16 x 16 cm.

job description

Back: with olive thread, make an 83 air chain. n. + 3 air. n. get up and knit with the main pattern according to the sequence of colors. After 64 cm from the original row, skip the rear holes on both sides by 10 cm. In the remaining loops, complete the project after 80 cm from the original row.

Left shelf: fill in 1 square each according to color sequences 1-5 and sew in a strip of this sequence, while inserting the hook just behind the back wall of the loops.

Right shelf: knit like the left shelf, but fill 1 square at a time according to the color sequences 6-10.

Left sleeve: run a 29 air chain. n. + 3 air. n. increase and from ** knitting with the main pattern according to the sequence of colors. To bevel the sleeves, add on both sides in every 5th row of the original row 7 x 1 sts in the pattern = 43 st. At the same time, after 13 cm from the original row, skip the middle 21 sts = 16 cm and knit both sides separately. Complete the task after 61 cm from the original row. Perform 1 square at a time according to color sequences 11-13 and sew in a strip as described above. Sew the strip to the sleeve.

Right sleeve: knit like the left sleeve, but work in squares according to the color sequences 14-16.

Assembly: sew shoulder seams on both sides with a length of 12 cm. Sew the side edges of the back to the bottom 64 cm of the shelves (the outer 5 cm of the back holes now belong to the shelves). Sew on the sleeves. Sew sleeve seams. For the fastening strips, tie the sides of the shelves with a stripe pattern, while performing 1 row each with a bright pink thread, a thread color. powder and purple thread. Next, make 1 more row of burgundy thread on the sides of the shelves and on the edge of the neck. Sew the buttons on the left shelf, while the top is sewn at a distance of about 6 cm. From the top edge, the rest at a distance of about 11 cm. Fasten the buttons through the holes in the pattern.

Κυριακή 10 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Crochet leaves + Diagrams


Πολύ εύκολο φύλλο, ακολουθείστε απλά τα βήματα στο διάγραμμα. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε φθινοπωρινές αποχρώσεις σε πορτοκαλί, κίτρινο, κεραμιδί κλπ. Το κόκκινο και το πράσινο το επέλεξα λόγω Χριστουγέννων. Δεν είναι ολοκληρωμένο γιατί θα το περάσω σε αραιωμένη κόλλα και θα το απλώσω με καρφίτσες να τεντωθεί και να στεγνώσει. Θα γίνουν σουπλά για το χριστουγεννιάτικο τραπέζι.

For Crochet Abbreviations Chart, click here:

Παρασκευή 1 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Crochet Cardigan + Diagram


Δυο πανέμορφες ζακέτες, που με λίγη φαντασία και υπομονή θα γίνουν δικές σας, ακολουθώντας το διάγραμμα. Εάν όμως θέλετε, μπορείτε να τις αγοράσετε από ...HERE και HERE

For Crochet Abbreviations Chart, click here: